
April 9, 2009, 2:03 pm
Filed under: women come to view


Kerry Kennedy, aflată în vizită la Bucureşti, a participat la un simpozion în cadrul căruia a militat pentru drepturile omului şi a arătat că una dintre marile provocări căreia România trebuie să-i facă faţă este de a stopa violenţa împotriva femeilor, potrivit NewsIn.

“Provocarea, aici, în România, este de a o stopa violenţa împotriva femeilor, corupţia, antisemitismul, de a-i ajuta pe oamenii vulnerabili, fără adăpost, dar cel mai important lucru este să învăţăm generaţiile viitoare cum să-şi protejeze viaţa şi să-şi realizeze toate visurile în această ţară magnifică”, a susţinut Kerry Kennedy, iniţiatoarea proiectului “Spune adevărul Puterii”.

Ea a afirmat că, în lume, există multe dificultăţi care trebuie înfruntate, dar violenţa împotriva femeilor este provocarea cea mai mai mare pentru comunitatea internaţională. Cu 20 de ani în urmă, drepturile femeilor abia dacă figurau pe agenda internaţională, iar astăzi convenţii în acest sens au fost ratificate de 185 de ţări, a menţionat Kennedy.

More http://www.adevarul.ro/articole/violenta-impotriva-femeilor-o-provocare-pentru-romania.html

Leah Chishugi ”The women asked me what they had done to deserve such a suffering”
February 17, 2009, 5:03 pm
Filed under: women come to view, women for women



Leah Chishugi describes herself as a survivor of the Rwandan genocide. Now 34, she grew up in eastern Congo but by 16 she had moved to Kigali, the Rwandan capital, to find work as a model, later marrying and having a son. In 1994 she was caught up in the conflict and wounded, and her father was killed. She escaped only after being left for dead under a pile of corpses, fleeing to Uganda, and later South Africa and the UK, where she was granted asylum.

It was this summer, after the death of her mother, whom Chishugi, 34, describes as “the biggest supporter of the women in the east part of Congo”, that she decided to return to record women’s experiences in the lawless region. “It is not normal for women to suffer so much,” she says. “We have to refuse to allow this suffering to continue.” She says she is the first person from “the outside world” to reach the villages, thanks to her ability to blend in with locals – she speaks 15 African languages.

Visits to Kinshasa, the Congolese capital, and a meeting with the Rwandan president, Paul Kagame, have convinced her that neither government is concerned about the women’s situations.

“I am not a politician but I want to let the world know what is going on. I believe that Kagame, [Joseph] Kabila [the Congolese president] and [Laurent] Nkunda [the Tutsi rebel leader] all know exactly what is going on.”

After arriving in Britain in 1997, Chishugi trained as a nurse and until recently worked at the Royal Free hospital in London, where she lives with her “lovely son”. She is now in the process of setting up a charity called Everything is a Benefit to distribute food and medical aid to the women of eastern Congo.

“I am grateful to have my life, grateful to have a roof over my head and grateful to live in Europe. I want to fundraise to help these women and take back medical supplies. I am a survivor of genocide and this trip has changed me. It made me see that because I had to chance to survive now I have a chance to change things for other people who are suffering.”


Puterea cuvintelor pe blogosfera,http://defencedebates.wordpress.com/about/
February 13, 2009, 12:25 pm
Filed under: women come to view

Nume:Alice Burca

Indeletnicire:consilier pe comunicare strategica interna si externa

Dorinta: O lume mai buna

Instrument: http://defencedebates.wordpress.com/about/

Proiectul saptamanii: cum percep copii razboaiele lumii?

Mediator: intre adulti, adolescenti,copii si institutii

Alice are sprancenele puternic si frumos arcuite, cand te scruteaza stie deja ce matrita ai, si incotro sa ghideze discutia. Vede dincolo de tine si iti construieste deja pasii, iti arata optiunile si te descopera lejer. Stie cum sa te comunice pentru ca tu sa te reevaluezi in directia buna. Te inspira ca sa te inspiri. Sau ca sa te reinspiri. E mediteraneeana. ”Cand ajungi sa te cunosti suficient de bine, iti recomand sa continui sa faci o pasiune si sa iti dezvolti mintea, sufletul, intr-o conexiune armonioasa.”

Are ceva din raceala britanica.Taxeaza iresponsabilitatea si confuzia.  Te organizeaza. E creativa si iti straneste creativitatea. Vine de la mare, nu e de mirare ca ii plac uniformele, si mai ales cele de sustinere a pacii, si s-a dus spre centru, in Timisoara. Are de ales acum intre drumuri europene, pe doua proiecte de comunicare interna si externa, de prevenire a conflictelor. Un lucru e clar. Cu Alice nu o sa ai niciodata un conflict.

Am ales sa vorbesc despre Alice pentru ca face o munca titanica, zi de zi, construind o revista a presei internationale obiectiva. Daca este dimineata si esti la o cafea si nu ai timp sa deschizi zeci de linkuri ca sa afli ce se intampla in punctele fierbinti de pe Glob, Alice stie sa focuseze pentru tine ca sa te informeze. Daca esti preocupat de geopolitica si de opinii in ceea ce privesc schimbarile lumi, discuta cu Alice, intreab-o de audiobookuri si strategii. Dar daca vrei sa stai la un chat relaxant  despre mode si culturi, sa adaugi frisca si ciocolata in cafea,intra pe http://coolcommunication.wordpress.com/

Alice este un flux comunicare si informatie, de tip proactiv.


”Imi place sa construiesc. Vreau sa fac lucruri mari, umane, pentru o lume mai buna. E important sa crezi si sa visezi, dar bazandu-te pe o armonie mentala, vazand si pretuind lucrurile mici ale vietii. Singura cale sa reusesti intr-un astfel de job este sa iubesti oamenii, si sa construiesi strategii despre ei si pentru ei. Trebuie sa stii sa asculti, sa stii sa vezi lumea in culori variate si pasnice, pentru ca agresivitatea poate conduce la crize, personalizeaza intotdeauna, spun eu, si nu folosi clisee.”

 Alice Burca lucreaza mult cu barbatii, asta nu e un impediment, femeile pot fi la fel de sensibile si buni analisti in acelasi timp. ”Nu conteaza daca esti barbat sau femeie, fiecare trebuie sa incerce sa faca lucrurile bine, pentru ca secretul este 5 la suta talent si 95 la suta munca.”

Name: Alice Burca

Origins: Wonderland, Romania

Does:  adviser for strategy matters internal external communication for a acompany in consultancy and training


Passion: loving people

Hobby: talking to people, debating

Tools: http://defencedebates.wordpress.com/about/

Working area: communication

Personal skills and competences: ability in public relations and strategic internal communication with focus on military and defence organizations

Fight against depression
February 12, 2009, 9:27 pm
Filed under: every woman

Have a look on http://www.bbc.co.uk/health/womens_health/mind_depression.shtml

Depression and SAD

Dr Trisha Macnair

Almost everyone has mood swings. Feeling anxious, confused or depressed from time to time is normal. But about one in four people experiences serious mental distress at some point in their life that doesn’t resolve itself so easily.


Symptoms of clinical depression (depression that’s disrupting a person’s ability to live a normal life) include:

  • Feelings of hopelessness, guilt, failure
  • Low self-esteem
  • Sometimes extreme anxiety
  • Sleep problems, particularly waking early in the morning and being unable to get back to sleep
  • Loss of appetite and weight
  • Loss of sex drive
  • Slowing of thought and movement (some have described it like living in treacle)
  • Recurrent thoughts of death and suicide


If you’re at all worried about your mood, but particularly if these symptoms sound familiar, you should seek help. Talk to your GP or, if you’d rather, find someone you feel comfortable with such as a good friend, relative or member of the clergy, and tell them how you feel.

Causes and treatments


There’s a lot that can be done for depression, including drug treatments and talking therapies. Stigma often stops people seeking help, but it’s important that you see a doctor because depression can be a symptom of a treatable condition, such as thyroid disease or chronic fatigue syndrome.

Depression can also be mixed up with other psychological problems, such as anxiety, phobias and stress.

You may need expert help to sort these out – don’t be afraid to ‘shop around’ for a counsellor or therapist who meets your needs and with whom you feel comfortable.

Try to stay positive. As many thousands of people who’ve been through depression can tell you, there is light at the end of the tunnel.

For a more in-depth look at depression, see the Mental health site.

Seasonal affective disorder (SAD)


Many people feel a bit ‘down’ during the winter, but some people suffer more severe bouts of depression at this time, accompanied by low energy levels, sleep and appetite problems and reduced concentration. These can develop to the point where the person has difficulty functioning at home or work. This is known as seasonal affective disorder (affective is a psychiatric term for mood), or SAD. During the spring and summer, sufferers feel well and ‘normal’.

Common symptoms include:

  • Extreme fatigue and lack of energy
  • Increased need for sleep
  • Carbohydrate craving and increased appetite
  • Weight gain

How common is it?


Researchers believe SAD results from a lack of sunshine owing to winter’s shorter days – it definitely seems to be more common in northern countries. In the southern US state of Florida, for example, less than one per cent of the population has SAD, compared with as many as ten per cent of people in Canada.

What’s the treatment?


People with milder symptoms of the ‘winter blues’ may be helped by simply spending more time outdoors and taking regular exercise during the winter months.

Research has found that many people with SAD improve when exposed to bright, artificial light. Spending just 30 minutes under a lightbox results in a significant improvement in 60 to 80 per cent of patients. The side-effects of such light therapy, or phototherapy, are mild, but it should be avoided by people with certain medical conditions or those taking some medications.

Other treatments, including antidepressants and counselling, may also be helpful.

This article was last medically reviewed by Dr Trisha Macnair in August 2007.


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All content within BBC Health is provided for general information only, and should not be treated as a substitute for the medical advice of your own doctor or any other health care professional. The BBC is not responsible or liable for any diagnosis made by a user based on the content of the BBC Health website. The BBC is not liable for the contents of any external internet sites listed, nor does it endorse any commercial product or service mentioned or advised on any of the sites. See our Links Policy for more information. Always consult your own GP if you’re in any way concerned about your health.

Women fighting for peace
February 12, 2009, 9:14 pm
Filed under: women in the backround

Have a look on http://english.aljazeera.net/programmes/everywoman/2008/01/200852519213697318.html

On October 1, 2006 a group of activists began a protest aimed at closing the Faslane nuclear submarine base in Scotland. The campaign, which came to be known as Faslane 365, took the form of a series of blockades over the course of a year. Many of the blockades have been dominated by women.

Faslane is central to the UK government’s plans to build a new generation of nuclear weapons. It currently houses four Trident submarines armed with 58 Trident missiles and up to 200 warheads.

A number of the women who took part in Faslane 365 had been involved in protests against the cruise missiles housed at Greenham Common airbase in southern England in the 1980s.

In 1981, a small group of women marched on Greenham Common to set up a peace camp

In June 1980 the British government announced that RAF Greenham Common was to became the first UK base to house cruise missiles. Late the following year, a small group of women marched on Greenham Common to set up a peace Camp. It lasted for 19 years and in that period thousands of women from all over the world joined them in their peaceful protest. Greenham Common was viewed as one of the most successful global peace protests ever when the missiles were moved back to the US in 1991.

Many of the protesters from Greenham Common have now dispersed. But women are still at the heart of the fight against the presence of nuclear weapons. The current blockade at Faslane has been going for a year. But Faslane Peace Camp has been occupied continuously since 1982 – that is 25 years of non-violent campaigning – and its residents say it is the oldest peace camp in the world.

Marriage as a bussiness proposal
February 12, 2009, 2:53 pm
Filed under: every woman


The image of marriage is often presented as one of love and devotion, but often partnerships are not about romantic proposals, but business proposals.

In Singapore, many rich men in need of a wife simply order in Vietnamese women who have to undergo tests to prove they are virgins.

It may seem degrading and humiliating but for some of the women, it is a chance of a new life. 

We meet two young Vietnamese women looking not for the man of their dreams, but for a man of means.

Matchmaking Muslim style

Samiah and Syed try the matchmaking service

Most westerners find romance through dating. But that is not an option for conscientious Muslims, who can only marry other Muslims.

In the US, that poses many problems for those wanting to stay true to Islam but searching for the man or woman of their dreams. 

Luckily a mosque in California has hit on a solution, and now offers a matchmaking service. 

Samiah and Syed try it to see if they are suited.

Orfi Marriage

So what happens when two people who want to be together cannot get married? For example, if the couple do not have enough money, or if their families do not approve?  

In Egypt, the alternative is the Orfi marriage but critics say it is just an excuse for the couple to have sex. It is not legal, and any children born within the marriage are mot automatically recognised as legitimate.

Vietnamese Brides

In Singapore, many rich men in need of a wife
order in Vietnamese women

The image of marriage is often presented as one of love and devotion, but often partnerships are not about romantic proposals, but business proposals.

In Singapore, many rich men in need of a wife simply order in Vietnamese women who have to undergo tests to prove they are virgins.

It may seem degrading and humiliating but for some of the women, it is a chance of a new life. 

We meet two young Vietnamese women looking not for the man of their dreams, but for a man of means.

Matchmaking Muslim style

Samiah and Syed try the matchmaking service

Most westerners find romance through dating. But that is not an option for conscientious Muslims, who can only marry other Muslims.

In the US, that poses many problems for those wanting to stay true to Islam but searching for the man or woman of their dreams. 

Luckily a mosque in California has hit on a solution, and now offers a matchmaking service. 

Samiah and Syed try it to see if they are suited.



That is not a feminist blog.
January 17, 2009, 4:45 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

 That is not a feminist blog. But is a blog which takes a closer look at women. Not because women are more fragile, but because there is a lack of human rights for them, in many parts of the world. Women are still more opressed physically, emotionally or financially.Otherwise I believe in the magic connection between woman and man, as an inner circle. And I believe that women has to face a hard reality in this world, as a mother, as a lover, as a wife or as a professional dreamer.

Acesta nu e un blog feminist. Dar e un blog care se preocupa mai indeaproape de femei. Cred, cu adevarat, nu ca femeile sunt mai fragile, dar cu siguranta sunt mai lipsite de drepturi, in multe parti ale lumii.